Disappearance Of Emanuela Orlandi Featured In Netflix Series Vatican Girl

Publish date: 2024-05-08

The most recent true-crime documentary on Netflix, Vatican Girl, features the case of the Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi.

Netflix has provided a near-constant stream of true crime programming over the past few months, including Vatican Girl: The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi.

The 2022 Netflix series investigates the disappearance, the investigation into it, and the different leads authorities investigated days, weeks, months, years, and decades afterward, starting on the June 1983 night the 15-year-old failed to return from a flute session.

After failing to come home following a flute lesson in Rome on June 22, 1983, Orlandi has been missing for 39 years. 

Her disappearance caused a significant media flurry in Italy, and Netflix’s Vatican Girl has re-ignited interest in her case.

The film’s director, Mark Lewis, investigates the various hypotheses and plots behind Orlandi’s disappearance. 

Disappearance Of Emanuela Orlandi

Emanuela Orlandi, 15 years at that time, left her house in Vatican City, Italy, on June 22, 1983, to travel to her secondary school in Rome for a flute lesson.

She was meant to see her sister and friends later, but she never did. By 9.30 p.m., her family and parents started to worry and search for Orlandi.

Her disappearance in Rome grabbed attention and has been the focus of conjecture for years. The case was closed in 2016 after numerous investigations.

Unfortunately, Orlandi has not been seen since, and the case is still open.

The Netflix Series Reveals The Theories Behind Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi

The topic of the new British documentary series is the disappearance of 15-year-old Emanuela Orlandi and possible Vatican involvement. The investigative series has a total of four episodes.

No documentary has ever gone as deep into an almost 40-year-old cold case as Vatican Girl. 

In an effort to determine whether Orlandi is still alive and, if not, who killed her and why graves have been discovered, criminals’ lovers have been questioned, and worldwide terrorist plots have been dissected.

When Orlandi disappeared, Vatican Girl set out to discover what happened to her and whether or not she might still be alive today.

Talking to gang members and analyzing terrorist plots are only a couple of the many ways this case is explored in the series.

The unsettling possibility that a cardinal might have sexually raped Orlandi suggests that her abduction may have been connected to a plot to blackmail the Vatican. 

A suspect who came forward and claimed to have planned Orlandi’s kidnapping is also discussed in the documentary, though his veracity is quickly questioned.

New information is revealed by director Mark Lewis, including the little-discussed fact that Orlandi vanished the day Pope John Paul II spoke to crowds of Solidarity supporters in Poland.

They were thought to have been supported by Vatican funds with connections to the mafia. 

Lewis explained to The Daily Beast that it required space to sort through a tale with many leads. He stated, ‘Journalism becomes layered down like leaves in crime stories like this. There are a lot of theories and clues to sort through throughout the novel.’

The docuseries primarily tells its story through interviews with Orlandi’s family. They devote a significant amount of the first episode to going over every minute detail of the night she vanished. 

Various journalists who have covered the case or are still doing so some 40 years later were also interviewed in the series.
