How Cameron Champ Hits The Ball So Far

Publish date: 2024-05-07

The young American is the longest hitter on Tour right now

How Cameron Champ Hits The Ball So Far

Cameron Champ burst onto the worldwide scene recently with his maiden PGA Tour victory at the Sanderson Farms Championship.

The 23-year-old Californian is part of a new breed of young, athletic golfers who smash the ball miles, with Champ averaging over 328 yards off the tee this season to rank 1st in driving distance.

That's nothing on last season though, as he averaged an incredible 343 yards on the Tour to unsurprisingly top the driving distance stats there too.

Champ was a full 10 yards ahead of 2nd place and 18 yards longer than 2017's Tour biggest hitter.

Here are his yardages with each club:

Videos of Champ were popular on social media at the RSM Classic where he hit a seven iron 221 yards.

WATCH: Champ hits 7 iron 221 yards at the RSM Classic:

What's more incredible is the fact that he's not 6ft 5 with muscles popping out of his shirt, he is 6ft and relatively slim.

Watch Champ's swing in slo-mo:

So, how does he hit it so far? Quite simply, great technique.

Below, GM Top 25 coach Ged Walters looks at Cameron Champ's power moves -


Champ has a nice and wide takeaway with his arms extended and very little wrist movement.

He allows the club to move up on the original shaft plane from the address position.

His hips turn unrestricted with his tailbone turning to face towards the target, this allows his trail leg to straighten and his lead leg increases the knee flex.

He continues to the top of the backswing with his torso making a huge turn while retaining the tilt and extension of the spine.

His hands are nice and high at the top.

Want to increase your distance? These are aspects that you can hopefully replicate.


On the downswing, Champ's hips unwind with incredible speed.

His belt buck faces the target by the time the shaft is parallel to the ground.

From this point his lower body does nothing more until post impact and it's time for the upper body to do its work.

Champ shallows the shaft exceptionally which allows his arms and the club to be almost catapulted into impact.

The club exits around the body below his shoulders as he completes his swing in perfect balance.

You can follow Ged Walters on Twitter and Instagram.

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