Why are Creed so hated?

Publish date: 2024-05-05
I am a fan of Creed. There, I said it.

I have been since the first time I heard one of their songs, and I was gutted when they broke up without me ever having seen them play live. Songs like "My Sacrifice", "Signs", "Torn" and "Unforgiven" are some of all-time favourite songs, and "Weathered" has long been a favourite album of mine.

What I want to know is, why do they get such negative press? Being in the UK, Creed have always been pretty much ignored and have never been successful over here, so I have seen very little positive or negative press regarding the band, apart from in Kerrang! magazine, who just slag them off.

I know that they have been hugely successful in the US, Wikipedia says they have sold over 35m records and won loads of awards, so they must have a hell of a lot of fans, but whenever I have seen them mentioned on forums, it is just negative comments about the band. I don't understand why this is as there is obviously a big fan base. Who buys their records if everyone hates them?

I personally think Scott Stapp has a great voice, but I know he has been accused of sounding like Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam. Maybe he does, but there are alot of bands out their who have similar sounding singers, so I dont understand all the Creed hate.

So tell me....why are they criticised so much? I am not going to argue with anyone, I just want to know why, as IMO there are hundreds of bands who are worse.

