Wearefabric Scam: How to Avoid Falling for This Online Trap

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Wearefabric is a website that claims to pay people for watching ads and doing other simple tasks. It promises to send prepaid MasterCard or Visa cards to its users once they reach a certain amount of money. However, many people have reported that Wearefabric is a scam and a waste of time. Here is how to spot the signs of this online trap and protect yourself from it.

The Red Flags of Wearefabric

There are several red flags that indicate that Wearefabric is not a legitimate website. Some of them are:

The Motive of Wearefabric

The motive of Wearefabric is to make money from its users, without paying them anything. It does this by:

The Prevention of Wearefabric

The best way to prevent falling for Wearefabric or any similar website is to avoid it altogether. However, if you have already signed up for it or encountered it, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:


Wearefabric is a scam website that does not pay its users for watching ads and doing tasks. It only collects their information and money, and generates revenue for itself and its partners. It is not a reliable or safe way to make money online, and it should be avoided at all costs. If you encounter Wearefabric or any similar website, do not sign up for it, do not provide any information to it, and do not share it with anyone. Instead, report it and warn others about it. There are many legitimate and trustworthy ways to make money online, but Wearefabric is not one of them.
