Every woman should know these unlikely uses for Vicks VapoRub. It may solve your problems

Publish date: 2024-05-04

This topical ointment could save you a lot of time and money.

As revealed by Shared, Vicks VapoRub is not just great for all the aches and pains. It can also be used for different purposes.

These are the unlikely ways to use Vicks VapoRub:

1. Trains Pets

To potty train your pets so they don't poop or pee inside your house, leave some Vicks in those places that they relieve themselves more often.

Many veterinarians said that cats and dogs hate the smell of Vicks, so the smell of the ointment will remind them that what they did was not right.

Vicks can also prevent the cats from ruining your furniture. Just leave some VapoRub there.

Source: Shutterstock

2. Foot Care

Vicks can make your cracked heels look as good as new due to its natural moisturizer. All you have to do is rub some of the ointment on your heels every night before going to sleep. Then, wash your feet in the morning with cold water and scrub away the dead skin.

If you have toenail fungus, try applying some Vicks on the affected nail every night and then put your socks on. The next day, wash your feet and clip off the infected nail.

Source: Shutterstock

3. Fades Stretch Marks And Wrinkles

Rub some Vicks on your stretch marks or wrinkles at least once a day. You will notice that they slowly become less visible within 2 weeks.

4. Heals Bruises

Gently rub some Vicks on your bruise with a little bit of salt for a few minutes. You'll notice that the ointment will reduce the swelling, and the bruise itself will disappear faster.

5. Removes Acne

Apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on your pimples or acne. Leave it overnight and wash your face in the morning. Be persistent, until the problem is solved.

6. Eases Earaches

Put a small cotton ball with Vicks and place it in your ear for a few hours. The antiseptic properties will help relieve ear pain and will also fight the possible infection.

7. Repels Insects

Apply a thin layer of Vicks VapoRub on different parts of your body that are exposed. Insects can’t stand the strong smell of Vicks, so this method will definitely work.

8. Makes You Cry

If you got one grain of sand in your eye, don't rub it. Instead, put a small amount of Vicks under your eye and let that grain of sand trickle out with your tears.

9. Heals Cuts Faster

The menthol ingredient of Vicks VapoRub will relieve the pain from your cut and will help heal wounds faster.

10. Gets Rid Of Fat

Vicks VapoRub combined with camphor, alcohol, and baking soda, creates a fat burning cream the same effect as those expensive slimming creams. This method will help you save time and money.

Have you ever tried any of these unlikely ways to use Vicks VapoRub? Share your experience.
