Paul Merhige Murder Sitton Family Recovers After 10 Years Since Thanksgiving Murder

Publish date: 2024-05-03

About ten years ago, Paul Merhige, who was an uninvited guest, showed up at his cousin’s house for dinner. At the time of sunset, Paul pulled out his gun from his pocket and began shooting. 

During the shootout, he killed his aunt and two sisters and then walked towards Makayla Sitton’s, a six-year-old, room and shot her while she was on her bed.

As per reports, Makayla Sitton was the only daughter of Jim and Muriel Sitton. Paul murdered his mother, Raymonde Joseph, and his cousins.

Paul is currently in prison for charges of killing his family members during Thanksgiving. He was sentenced by the court to life in prison.

The sources began their search to know about an incident that occurred ten years ago. 

Muriel says, “She would’ve been 16 going on 17. I can’t believe it’s been ten years. Sometimes it feels like yesterday other times it feels like it’s been one long marathon.”

Her husband, Jim, says that they were shocked and desperate as they couldn’t hear the sounds of joy and laughter since the incident. 

The parents said they had the desire to start a family again since the time the horrific occurred.

Muriel said, “I felt the Lord had placed in our hearts that we needed to keep moving forward in life and that it was not over for us. That chapter wasn’t over.”

Muriel also said that having a baby at her age could bring complications. However, in 2012, the couple’s prayers were answered, and they welcomed their daughter named, Natalia Grace.

Jim recalled the time of his wife’s delivery and said, “One morning I woke up and I heard Muriel faintly singing.”

He said that he heard her say the name, Natalie. He added, “and at that moment, I(Jim) was like, wow, we were going to make it. Because up to that point I did not know that we were going to make it.“

Jim and Muriel Sitton’s family

Jim and Muriel had to suffer from a lot of tragedy. Paul Merhige murdered their daughter named, Makayla Sitton. 

Later, the couple was blessed with their second daughter after the death of Makayla. They named their second daughter, Rayla. 

After Rayla’s arrival, the family felt that all their sorrows were over as their family was complete. 

Muriel says, “It’s a tremendous blessing to be a mother again. Having these 2 girls. Every day it’s a reminder again of God’s grace.”

Jim and Muriel said that their happiness was back. They added that their house is filled with joy and laughter because of their daughters. 

The couple also said that they could not leave their house as the memories of their dead daughter, Makayla, were in the house. 

Where is he now?

According to the sources, Paul Merhige was arrested for pulling out his gun and killing his aunt, his two sisters, and a minor who was six years old named Makayla Sitton.

All evidence proved him guilty, and the jury sentenced him to life in prison for the terrifying murders. As of today, the killer remains in prison.
