Anoai Family Member Can Picture Himself Joining The Bloodline

Publish date: 2024-05-03

The Anoa’i Family is famous for producing top pro wrestling talent. Roman Reigns and the Bloodline are still ruling the main roster with an iron fist, as he maintains his spot as Undisputed Universal Champion. That being said, there are more family members who would love to join the party.

Many fans have witnessed the Bloodline take control of the WWE main roster. That being said, you can never say never about what is next in this storyline that has already lasted far longer than anyone thought it would.

Recently, the Shining Wizards spoke with Former MLW Tag Team Champion & Samoan Dynasty member Lance Anoa’i fresh off his tour of Pro Wrestling Noah. It seems that he still has his eyes on WWE.

When asked about whether he could imagine himself joining the Bloodline, Lance had to admit that he does see it as a possibility.

“I do see myself in it, but with my MLW contract, I don’t see myself in it. I would love to be in it. Ever since they brought Solo in, I thought I could have been a part of it with him. Me, Jacob could be a top star there. Especially because its called The Bloodline, I feel we just need all the members of the family there.”

We’ll have to see if the Bloodline adds any new members. At this point, the members they currently have evolved into their own thing. Now we could be looking at any combination of Bloodline members squaring off in the future, depending on how their roads take them.

For more on this story, and so many more, please stay tuned with us here at Ringside News. You never know what will happen next, especially when the Bloodline is concerned.

What’s your take on the Bloodline adding new members? Let us know what you think about things in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
