Set up CUR & Generate Server ID

Publish date: 2024-05-02

This page describes how to request Amazon AMS team to setup CUR in your account. Only use this instruction if you are an Amazon AMS Advanced Customer. If you are an AWS AMS Accelerate Customer, please follow the AUTOMATED or MANUAL options.

MAP 2.0 Installation for AMS

To setup the MAP 2.0 automation solution there is one manual RFC that needs to be submitted from your management account. After the RFC is complete, the AMS team will provide you the Server ID value which will be used to tag your migrated workloads to calculate MAP Credit.

Deploy the MAP 2.0 Automator

Submit a Create other RFC requesting an IAM role to be deployed and a CloudFormation stack to be created. Use the following language for the RFC details:

RFC Information

Account: Management account

RFC Type: Create other


Please execute the following steps: Create the IAM role needed for the MAP 2.0 Automator from this link:

Create a stack using the following CloudFormation from this link:

Stack name:

S3Region - {{Choose the home region for MALZ}}
MPE - {{Customer MPE ID (e.g: MPE12345)}}

Finally, from the stack output, provide the customer with the ServerID value. This is the value they must use when tagging their workloads.
