Kyle Beach Sexual Assault Story: What Happened To Him? Blackhawks and Brad Aldrich

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Kyle Beach unveiled his sexual assault story. Catch up to know about the former player of the Chicago Blackhawks. 

Blackhawks has been the most talking point on the internet. Also, anonymous “John Doe,” alleging them for mishandling sexual assault, has intertwined them with the scandal.

It turns out, former player “John Doe” is none other than the professional Ice Hockey player Kyle Beach himself. To think that such an outstanding player has to face such outrageous assault.

Kyle expresses about the incident that took place in 2010. With this, he has just been gaining public attention, but his followers also have supported him.

Kyle Beach Sexual Assault Story: What Happened To Him?

Kyle has recently let out himself as John Doe, with whom people have shown their interest. He explained how the former video coach assaulted him, and the heads up did not take action.

In 2010, when he was the Black Ace in the team, Aldrich has assaulted him sexually in the former coach’s apartment. Then, he threatened him to act forcefully in the acts.

Moreover, when Kyle reported him, Aldrich denied the matter telling the investigator that it was a consensual act.

Kyle revealed his tragic event emotionally to the public after 11 years. It used to be one of the difficult times for him, getting mentally harmed due to assault.

Kyle Beach With Blackhawks And Brad Aldrich

After a former student of Blackhawks, Beach reported about Aldrich’s misbehavior. Instead of supporting Kyle, club management did not take any action and waited until they won the Stanley Cup in 2010.

The management team gave options for him to either resign or face the investigation. Aldrich ended up leaving the Blackhawks team.

Although the assault case is still under investigation, the public is already condemning Blackhawks its misconduct.

Also, the team has already apologized for not taking the severe move towards Aldrich.

Kyle Beach Girlfriend, Who Is He Dating?

Kyle is dating his girlfriend, Bianca Guglielmotti. Although the couple seems to get dating for just a year, they have been head over heels for each other.

Beach has uploaded pictures about him with his sweetheart on social media mentioning how lucky he is to have her.

Additionally, he explained that the day of letting his emotion out after so many years of the assault; has been just a big day for him and his girlfriend.

Whatever might there be in the future, they are just going to support each other.
